Ý kiến về dịch vụ


We hope you enjoy your experience at EVAS. We value your feedback and
would like you to and answer questions below.

How satisfied were you with your experience with EVAS?

Very dissatisfied

Very satisfied

How likely are you to recommend EVAS to a friend or colleague?

Very dissatisfied

Very satisfied

What should we do to WOW you?

(What should we do to improve your experience about us?)

Trụ sở

  • Tòa nhà EVAS (khu Golden City) 295 Nguyễn Thái Học, P. Mỹ Hòa, TP. Long Xuyên, An Giang, Việt Nam
  • evas@auvietuc.edu.vn
  • 02963 666 898
  • 0888 65 67 68

Chi Nhánh

  • 815-816, Hà Hoàng Hổ, P. Đông Xuyên, TP. Long Xuyên, An Giang, Việt Nam
  • evas2@auvietuc.edu.vn
  • 02963 941 780
  • 0888 65 67 68

Chi Nhánh

  • 172, Thủ Khoa Huân, P. Châu Phú B, TP. Châu Đốc, An Giang, Việt Nam
  • evas3@auvietuc.edu.vn
  • 02963 533 666
  • 0914 63 67 63